My retirement has opened a window that allows me the time to eat, sleep and live bicycles! They have always been in my life but sometimes they had to be put on the back burner.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Gotta love an old Mixte: Part 1
One particular type of step-through frame is called a mixte. In a mixte frame, the top tube of the traditional diamond frame is replaced with a pair of smaller tubes (lateral tubes, or lats) running from the top of the head tube all the way back to the rear axle, connecting at the seat tube on the way. The normal seat stays and chain stays are retained. That makes a total of 6 stays that give extra strength. This provides the lower stand over height of a step-through frame bicycle while avoiding some of the additional stresses the step-through frame bicycle places on the seat tube. This also strengthens the frame and increases the carrying ability. A mixte can make an excellent commuter and a touring bike. You can load stuff on the top of your rear rack and not worry about how to get your leg over the load, because you can mount from the front of the seat.The design was developed for the French and Austrian military and was adopted for Postal delivery in many countries. Mixtes are used in Europe and Asia by men and women. "Mixte" (pronounced [mikst]) is a direct appropriation of the French word meaning "mixed" or "unisex". The usual North American bicycle industry pronunciation of this loan word is /ˈmɪkstiː/.[8]
Uncle Steve, the pink pinto that hangs in my shed is exactly this. I need to return this bike so you can refurbish once again. Remember I had road this for the 120mile lung association ride, and had problems with chain coming off everytime I tried to shift gears, so I rode 90% of the ride in one gear. LOVED IT!!! what a blast!!! hooked for life to the wheels that that sear the wind!!with the foot power!!
Uncle Steve, the pink pinto that hangs in my shed is exactly this. I need to return this bike so you can refurbish once again. Remember I had road this for the 120mile lung association ride, and had problems with chain coming off everytime I tried to shift gears, so I rode 90% of the ride in one gear. LOVED IT!!! what a blast!!! hooked for life to the wheels that that sear the wind!!with the foot power!!