Sunday, February 16, 2014

Another Ugly Duckling followed me home


This unwanted heavy hulk came into the shop last year and has been moved from spot to spot. It was going to be moved upstairs to hide it in the dark. When there was talk of parting it out I had to bring it home. From what I can find out it is a 1969 Hercules ten speed. It was built in the Nottingham, England Raleigh factory. Some of the parts are Huret and others have the Raleigh Heron stamp on them (crank & hubs). It came with upright bars, fenders and head light. The rear fender and light are missing but the light bracket and  cool “peaked” front fender remains. The Huret rear derailleur is missing but I have an old one to put on. This bike isn’t in as bad of shape as the Follis Mixte that I rebuilt. (See my May of 2013 blog.) So hopefully it will turn out OK.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Schwinn Hollywood

Over a year ago I said I would go through an older Schwinn for a friend. I agreed to do it on the condition that I was helped in the clean-up. Well last week it had set in my shop long enough. It didn't need much to make it ride able again. It needed a chain, all the bearings cleaned and packed and lots of cleaning and polishing. This isn't a collectable Schwinn as someone has changed many parts on it but the owner loves it and that's all that matters. Below are a few before and after pictures.